It’s Otterly Good

These places are time machines, spaceships, story-makers, secret-keepers. They are dragon-tamers, dream-catchers, fact-finders, and safe places. They are full of infinite possibilities and tales worth taking home. – Jen Campbell, The Bookshop Book

It’s been almost two months since my operation and I’m happy to report that I’m starting to walk normal. Still feel like a zombie in motion but each day I know I’m walking better. So exciting! So relieving! Just have to make sure I don’t push myself like I tend to. 

I was recently interviewed for Middlebury College’s newspaper, The Middlebury Campus. I had a great conversation/interview with Florence Wu who asked questions that I generally don’t get asked. Thought provoking quesetions. She took amazing photos of the store which, I feel, captured the soul of the store. You can read the article here:

One picture she took was of me standing. I first looked at it and thought but that doesn’t look natural. I was shocked and dismayed in how I looked. But then I looked again and realized, no, she got me in the early stages of healing. I’m standing straight! I’m standing without leaning on something or favoring my right leg.  I’m standing on both feet. How exciting. I am starting to shelve again! (And lose weight!)

The store is doing well with new arrivals. Storage area and boxes are getting emptied. Life is going well!

Hold up your head! You were not made for failure, you were made for victory. Go forward with a joyful confidence.George Eliot

2 thoughts on “It’s Otterly Good

  1. Hello Barbara! It was so great reading this article in the Campus about my favorite book store. I used to come into your store all the time (from when I was a student in 2006-2010, and then when I lived in the area until about 2013). It’s so great to still see it shining. I hope you are well.


  2. Congratulations!  I have a question:  I’m originally from Morrisville, VT.  Now living in Ridgewood, NJ .  I have just finished cleaning out my parents’ home in Florida, and in doing so I have made 2 trips to NJ from FL with books.  I’m looking to sell a number of them.  I’m not looking for tons of cash, rather I’m looking to get those books out of my house and any compensation can come later.  Is there a specific protocol for getting books to your store?  Do you already have enough?  I have donated about 1500 books to the annual book sale in Inverness, FL to benefit the Citrus County Library system.  I’m just trying to move what I consider the “better” books.  Any insight or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Best– J. Moreau


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